Recently someone posted in the Buenos Aires Newcomers Yahoo Group asking about the availability of alternative or holistic health care practices available here in Buenos Aires. I was happy to respond that not only is it readily available, but it is very affordable for expats and tourists as well. I clarify this last part because just as in the States it was often a luxury for me to get a one and a half hour massage, so it is here also for the average Argentine - just a distinction that I wanted to point out.
The most common alternative practices here are several types of yoga, pilates, massage, reiki, rolfing, reflexology, and chiropractors, P.S. there's a lot of meditation available here as well. One site, in Spanish, Holistica 2000, gives a pretty good list of practitioners. But, it's definately wise to try getting recommendations from other people who already have some experience with good practioners.
Personally, I have so far tried a couple of massage therapists, one who was highly recommended to me and that I've been super happy with, as well as a chiropractor who also came highly recommended.
For massage I had been looking for someone who could do some work on my TMJ and also knew what precautions to take on someone who is pregnant. Having also had some fabulous massage therapists over the years in the States, I was being extremely choosy in the type of massage I was given, and certainly didn't want a "psuedo" massage either. Thus it was that I was referred to a wonderful young woman named Alejandra Hajduk. Alejandra speaks perfect English by the way. I chose to go to her rather than have her come to me and I was ever so glad to make the trip to Belgrano from the suburbs. She has created a serene space with good energy and is equipped with a top notch massage table complete with the proper face rest - something much more important than the convenience of having someone come to my house, but then again she can do that also. Her massages are well priced for her quality and the length of time she spends with you. I highly recommend Alejandra and have included her email if anyone wants to contact her directly.
The chiropractors are two American chiros who came down to Bs.As. several years ago and opened up Casa de Vida or House of Health. Having been to so many chiros over the past fifteen years, most good with a couple of cracks sprinkled in, I feel pretty confident in being able to know if they're good or not. So far I have not been disappointed at all. And, to top it off, they have a special apparatus for adjusting pregnant women, as well as some of the newest technology for getting a reading on the spine, a plus again for pregnant women who don't want to get xrays!
Just an aside, if you speak Spanish, you'll also have access to some great courses in things like Bach Flower remedies and aromatherapy as well as courses in pregnancy massage at schools like Oasis Massage School.
If you come to Buenos Aires, whether to live, or for vacation, I definately recommend you take advantage of these practices!
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