If you're environmentally minded and you're in Buenos Aires and looking for something to do for Earth Day check out:
*SAE VOLUNTEER DAY: Tree Planting* Saturday April 26 @ 9.15 for
Ten people are needed to help Mother Earth in celebration of Earth
Day! We would like to seize the opportunity and actually go out and
DO something useful for climate change. Come and join us for our tree
planting day! Together with Alcira Perlini Montiel, highly regarded
UN Observer for Climate Change from Fundación Argentina de
Etoecología, we will plant trees in the neighbourhood of Barracas.
The Foundation is committed to raising environmental awareness by
educational means. Please JOIN US on this worthwhile project will
not only be a rewarding experience but also good fun! RSVP at
baevents@saexplorer s.org
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