I wanted to share some fabulous resources of holistic resources in Buenos Aires. They come from my friend's website which I will share in my next post.
Natural / Organic / Vegetarian Restaurants: |
Arevalito Arévalo 1478 | 4776-4252 |
Bio Humboldt 2199 | 4774-3880 | www.biorestaurant.com.ar |
Buenos Aires Verde Gorriti 5657 | 4775-9594 | www.bsasverde.com |
Casa Felix 4555-1882 | www.diegofelix.com |
Green Bamboo Costa Rica 5802 | 4775-7050 www.green-bamboo.com.ar |
Kensho Zarraga 3799 | 4555-0421 | www.kensho.com.ar |
Krishna Veggie Lunch Malabia 1833 | 4833-4618 |
La Reina Kunti Humahuaca 3461 | 4863-3071 |
Natural Deli Gorostiaga 1776 | 4514-1776 Laprida 1672 | 4822-1228 | www.natural-deli.com |
Pura Vida Juice Bar Reconquista 516 | Uriburu 1489 www.puravidabuenosaires.com.ar |
Quimbombó Costa Rica 4562 | 4831-5556 |
Tea Connection Uriburu 1597 | 4805-0616 | www.teaconnection.com.ar |
Verde Llama Jorge Newberry 3623 | 4554-7467 |
Dietéticas (Natural Food Stores): |
Casa China Arribeños 2173 |
Lotos Av Córdoba 1577 | 4814-4552 |
Natural Deli Gorostiaga 1776 | 4514-1776 Laprida 1672 | 4822-1228 | www.natural-deli.com |
Delivery Services (Natural & Organic Products): |
De La Huerta www.delahuertaasumesa.blogspot.com |
El Rincón Orgánico 4777-5082 | www.elrinconorganico.com.ar |
Granomadre 4836-1373 | www.granomadre.com.ar |
Jardín Orgánico www.jardinorganico.com.ar |
Tallo Verde 0800-88-TALLO (82556) | www.talloverde.com.ar |
Chef Services: |
Raw Vegan Cuisine 4771-7101 | www.rawvegancuisine.com |
Yoga: |
Chakra Mio Soler 5518 |
Cheryl Delaney www.yogabydesign.com.ar |
Valle Tierra Costa Rica 4562 | www.valletierra.com |
Organizations: |
FARN (Fundacion Ambiente y Recursos Naturales) Tucuman 255 6ª www.farn.org.ar |
Greenpeace Zabala 3873 | 4551-8811 | www.greenpeace.org.ar |
Slow Foods Salta 2784 P2DC | 4799-7159 | www.slowfoodarg.com |
Practitioners: |
Alejandra Hajduk (Massage) [email protected] |
Natalia R. (Zen-Shiatsu) 6349-2338 |
Rolando Ludwig (Colonics) 4792-8788 |
Sharon Haywood (Reflexology/Shiatsu) [email protected] |
Other: |
D-Spacito Uriarte 2250 | 4775-8108 | www.d-spacito.com |
Esencias Vibracionales Londner's Riobamba 118 Piso 5 4952-4756 www.londner.com.ar |