I think eating is a very important component in our life and having the choices to eat as we need or desire are priorities. Healthy options such as organic are appearing all throughout Buenos Aires but what do you do if you're going to be in Buenos Aires and you are allergic to wheat or are a celiac and need to eat gluten free foods...the following are just some a couple of possibilities to get you through:
Dietetica 100% Natural located in Alto Palermo at Bulnes 2042. For deliveries or more information you can contact them at 4821-1674. For frozen items they have breads, pizzas, pizza dough, medialunas, empanadas, raviolis, pastas, quiches, & tortas .They also have alfajors, cookies, crackers, rice cakes, gluten free pastas and flours, gluten free soy sauce.
Celigourmet - three locations
- Gral. Paunero 1927 (Y Av. Alvear) in the Northern suburb of Martinez - Tel: 4798-2990
- Thames 1633 (Palermo Soho) 4831-5162
- Charcas 4787 (Palermo, Celigourmet Factory, solo producción) 4776-5448
Some of their products include: muffins, cookies, cakes, tortes, pizzas, pizza crusts, empanadas, tartas, crepes, canelones and sandwiches.
Celivery Delivery in Zona Norte. Their telephone number is (15) 5161-8338
El Castano Dietetica Echeverria 3341 in Belgrano “R” Tel.: 4552-2911 offers a wide variety of products including pastas, pizza mixes, alfajors, cookies, crackers, gluten free flours, and more.
Of course in a pinch there are always the old standbys of Jumbo, Walmart in Corrientes, and neighborhood dieteticas for rice cakes and a gluten free product here or there.
For a few other options check out the Celiac Association in Argentina "Asociacion Celiaca Argentina" They have some additional resources there as well.
Eat well!