I've mentioned several schooling options in the past in Buenos Aires - from private, traditional American and British English schools to public schools to private bi-lingual schools such as the French Lycee.
Other options for families looking for the non-traditional would be either the Waldorf school or homeschooling.
The Waldorf school in Martinez would be a great idea for someone whose kids already have some Spanish language skills as most classes are taught in Spanish. I have a good friend who has had her kids at the Waldorf school in Martinez for two years now and loves it. She thinks that it has been as great as if not better in many ways than their last Waldorf school in California.
The other possibility, particularly for someone who doesn't want to go through the headache of getting all the papers for their child to go to school is to homeschool. There is a great forum Homeschool World Forum that is helpful if you're considering homeschooling overseas.
Any comments about your experiences with Waldorf or homeschooling in Argentina please be sure to contact me or post your comments for all to hear!
Here are a couple of other useful sites/forums/groups as well:
Expat Homeschool
Bilingual Homeschool
Expat Kids
We are looking at moving to San Raphael sometime soon. I have a 4 1/2 year old who is a Montessori student. I am interested in knowing if a school currently exists or do I need to look into a homeschool option?
Posted by: Vanessa Nunez | Sunday, March 08, 2009 at 10:26 AM
I am moving to Argentina in Match of 2010 with my kids. My goal is for them to pick up and 'learn' Spanish, in addition to experimenting the culture.
Because my kids don't speak spanish (though my daughter has an OK base) I don't want them to be too freaked when I throw them into a school. I do believe in submersing them, but i prefer to do it slowly. Does that make sense? Possibly a bilingual school, waldorf,,,??
Any suggestions?
I'm familiar with Buenos Aires. I lived there for nearly four years and I gave birth to my oldest daughter there.
Posted by: beth | Wednesday, December 03, 2008 at 02:10 AM
Hola Laura, me gusta mucho tu blog!! es un espacio muy interesante. Tengo una hija de 3 años y decidimos hacer homeschooling; este proyecto creció tanto que decidimos compratirlo con la gente interesada en una educación diferente y por este motivo creamos "JugarConArte" un tallercito en casa basado en actividades Montessori. Empezamos hace poquito y es una experiencia sublime! Te invito a que veas la pagina a vos y a todos los interesados. Como hace poco por ahora son tres los niños que vienen y tengo espacio para recibir a 5 mas! si hay por ahi algun interesado en conocer la propuesta no duden en contactarme o preguntarme cualquier duda que tengan!
Un gran saludo!!
Este es mi blog: www.jugarconarte.wordpress.com
Espero que les guste!
Hasta pronto...
Posted by: Agustina Temperley | Sunday, July 06, 2008 at 09:49 PM
Hi Laura and Jen,
I am thinking about moving my daughter to the waldorf school, as she is really struggling with the rigid system of her private school after three years of montessori education. What do you think? Is it an appropriate alternative?
Posted by: Luisa Woods | Tuesday, April 01, 2008 at 04:37 PM
Hi Laura -- I emailed you a while back about your experience with homebirth in BA... Well, we're here, we made the move, and just enrolled our almost 5 year old son at Juana de Arco, the only Waldorf school in the city. We looked at other schools in the suburbs, but it was hard to apply/interview etc., from the USA. So it looks like we're staying in the city! Which -- after three years of country living -- is a good thing.
Anyhow, just thought I'd pipe in... Hope you're well and enjoying your growing baby...
Posted by: Jen | Thursday, December 20, 2007 at 01:06 PM
anyone know of bilingual russian schools 1st thru 8th grades or something similar in buenos aires?
Posted by: natasha warton | Monday, November 12, 2007 at 05:39 PM