If you're considering a move or are already actively planning to relocate to Buenos Aires, don't forget to make Moving to and Living in Buenos Aires, Argentina, one of your resources. If you like the information that is available in Moving to Argentina, then you will definitely find the ebook even handier.
Thanks for catching that Gus! See what happens when you bounce between three languages...the spelling goes to the dogs. You'd never know I won my local spelling bee as a kid lol.
Posted by: moving to argentina | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 12:57 AM
The word above should be spelled definitely.
Posted by: Gus Fuentes Jr | Saturday, August 23, 2008 at 01:18 PM
Hi Laura! So much time... I just passed by. We miss you!! U still in Argentina?
Bay bay
Posted by: Marcelo Barraza | Friday, June 20, 2008 at 04:46 PM
I think I will probably buy this book. I think I may start making plans for a visit down there later this year.
Great Blog btw. Don't go to mine...it is an abomination....
The King
Posted by: King Shocka Khan | Saturday, January 26, 2008 at 01:05 PM
I am a Colombian planning to move to Buenos Aires un March 2008 to do a masters.
Can you help me out? I have found that moving can be quite complicated. Some of the thousands of questions I have:
1. when should i start looking for an apartment?
2. what are the garantias??
3. monthly budget to live in palermo or belgrano?
4. is it possible to rent an un-equipped apartment?
I could really used your guidance,
thanks os much
Posted by: Lorena | Tuesday, September 04, 2007 at 12:05 PM
Hello there.. First of all I want to say how helpful and comforting I found this site. I feel the experience and knowledge shared here is truly consructive, and gives me a far greater feeling of securtiy.
Long story short, I met my beautiful AR girlfriend nearly three yearsju back when she was working in Denver on a short-term work visa. We spent the remainder or her time here becomeing very close and I knew it wasn't just a short-term relationship. Since she moved back to BA over a year ago, I came to visit for a month at a time on two occasions. Now the ball is in my court once again. Although e-communication really helps long distance relationships stay alive, I realize now we either need to be together or call it quits. I have recently decided to begin the process of moving to BA to live with her for an unknown amount of time. I am very excited,nervous, a little scared; but most of all I just want to be together again and experience her culture. Although i am gaining good direction from sources such as this, I still would greatly appreciate any suggestions / insight anyone can offer. I still have a reasonable amount of dept to pay to the U.S. (credit, etc.) so I will deffinitely need to find ample employment in BA. My main concern is the level of difficulty it would be for me to gain employment over Argentine citizens. I'm no slouch, I've been working in the culinary field for nearly ten years with a degree under my belt as well. My language skills are not too bad; I would say "sophmore" level, and I fully intend to take further lessons in BA to help assimilate. Thankfully my girlfried is fluent in English, and helps when she can.
Thank's again, and any info will help. Whether it's restaurant suggestions to jewelry shops (hint, hint) I do realize I need to gain a work permit prior. Is ther a significant time table to anticipate after applying?
chao!! Mark JL
Posted by: Mark J. Linson | Monday, August 27, 2007 at 03:01 AM
Ang, It's actually quite easy to bring pets back from Argentina. They have a very similar process to what you need when you go TO Argentina except instead of the USDA you have SENASA and you also, like in the US have to have all your documentation completed within the ten days of your travel. However, unlike the US it's much easier to have someone prepare the papers for you rather than doing it yourself. I can suggest someone who will handle everything for you. He took care of our 2 dogs and 2 cats when we brought them back to the U.S. His name is Jim Anderson and he runs a pet boarding and pet shipping service in BA. But at any rate you needn't be worried it's not a problem at all. Feel free to email me directly if you want.
Posted by: moving to argentina | Saturday, May 19, 2007 at 10:45 PM
We are planning to move to Argentina in October. We are leaving Spain and have found that it was easy to get our cat to Spain, but has been very complicated (and much more expensive) to get her back to the United States. We are worried that we will go through the same complications getting her back to the U.S. from Argentina.
Has anybody experienced trying to get their animal back to the United States from Argentina?
thank you
Posted by: angela | Saturday, May 19, 2007 at 06:35 PM
I have lived in France for the past 5 years and have been back in the States for 18 mos. and counting, and believe me, I'm counting.
I am considering living and working in Buenos Aires or somewhere in Brazil.
I'm 38, well-educated, well traveled and wonder if it's realistic of me to try and teach English or do other types of work and live comfortably in Buenos Aires. By comfortably, I mean not living paycheck to paycheck.
really want to learn Spanish and discover Argentina and/or Brazil.
Posted by: Felicia | Wednesday, February 14, 2007 at 10:51 AM
Hi again...
I put a little answer to your question about why I keep dropping my blogs on my newest blog... which hopefully I'll actually keep going...
Posted by: Peter | Sunday, February 04, 2007 at 10:15 AM