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Feeling Homesick

I was born in Argentina to American parents who moved us back to the U.S. when I was 15. I haven't kept my DNI or my passport current. Am I still considered an Argentine citizen? Can I renew my DNI and passport?


They required an Argentine passport until pretty recently (around six years ago), so maybe there is where the misunderstanding comes from. But anyone from Migraciones, Cancillería (Foreign Affairs) or any Argentine consulate should know that it is no longer the case. However, since you want something "black on white", here is the confirmation of what I wrote from the Argie embassy in the US:



moving to argentina

Diego, Thanks for your comment. I always find it interesting how governmental officials tell you different things (even within the same office) and then someone else has a different experience. Do you have somewhere that it's in writing about that, because I was explicitly warned about that. It's interesting too because when you enter a country you have been born in or have citizenship in, they usually want you on the passport for that country. Anyway, would love to know if you have it in writing somewhere so I can keep that with my daughters passports, you know how it is here I'm sure...


I would like to point you that an Argentine can enter to Argentina using a foreign passport (e.g. American) as long as his stay is less than 60 days. Only if the stay exceeds that period a local passport is required.

I know that for a fact: I was born in Argentina, but every time I travel to Argentina I use a Canadian passport.

John Labriola

Wow, that is good to know. Especially the part about when to use what passport. My wife is Argentine and is heading back, she just got her American citizenship and passport. And we were wondering, when to use which... Thanks for the tip!

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