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moving to argentina

Hi Emily,
excellent question and one I just brought up in detail in my book. Here's a quick synopsis. If you're here on a tourist visa...can't ship a container back "technically" speaking BUT there are a couple of ways around it and there are important things to to think about. If you're here on a standard visa then just need to head to a good shipping company. Try universalcargo.com.ar and ask for Lily Campbell. She speaks excellent English.


Hi there. Great blog and congrats on the almost born baby! I have a question regarding shipping BACK to the us from BA. Do you recommend any company- or have any links to reputable shipping companies?
thank you

moving to argentina

It's a girl or in Argentina they say "una nena" and she's due somewhere around Christmas!


Congratulations! Is it a boy or a girl?

E-mailed you.

Andy Naidu

Hi there, just found your blog by accident. My wife and I are thinking of moving down to Buenos Aires sometime in the next 3-4 years for a seachange. At the mo, we're in Melbourne. Look forward to you e-book.

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