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Vanesa K

Laura, Thanks for the recomendations! as always, a pleasure reading your blog.

Cynthia, we spent many new years at a restaurant called Rodizio, which is a brazilian Spetto Corrido, and it was a real blast.

Please be aware that we argentineans enjoy New Years in a particular way: it is very hot but we eat pork and turkey; we dance untill 6 am; we do not have too many fire works but people do crack many "petardos" that makes sounf but not light...

We also have traditions we perform, such as eating 12 grapes (spanish tradition), wearing a pink or yellow new undie (italian tradition) ore breaking the glass you use to drink your first champaign.

Hope this helps!

Cynthia Ramos

I enjoy your blog! Am looking forward to your comments about summer--my husband, teenage son and I are visiting B.A. December 28 - January 8. Will be our first time. BTW, any suggestions on how and where to spend New Year's Eve?

Cynthia (from Oakland, CA)

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