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Link on article - "well priced housing" fails, says invalid page.

yanqui mike

So glad you mentioned UBA! Probably at once both the cheapest and one of the best programs in town.

I'm smart enough to know that I'm an idiot...private tutoring would not be good for me. I had the feeling that I would need the structure and discipline of a group setting. UBA was great. Not only that, I met wonderful people from all over the world in every class. There was always someone interesting to study with over a cafecito or cerveza.

An unexpected insight was how easy angloparlantes have it when studing castellano...when the going gets tough just glance over at your Korean or Russian (or even German!) classmate's dictionary.

You quickly stop agonizing over the subjunctive mood and get back to work. The sudden and profound respect for your fellow classmates is free with the price of admission.

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