A very important issue in any part of the world is health care, particularly maternity benefits. In the U.S. the cost of health care has skyrocketed and the benefits have shrunk. I don't know how many times I've sat for what seemed like days, waiting for a simple gynocological checkup. Then by the time I finally got to see the doctor, it was only to be rushed through the checkup, and off to get my bill (which often isn't covered because I have a huge deductible). The bedside manner of U.S. doctors certainly leaves a lot to be desired as well.
In comparison, however, Argentina offers an excellent private health care system with top-notch doctors who give you their full attention. The cost of the health insurance is substantially less than the U.S. and even if you don't have insurance, the costs are still bearable. The trick of course is to be paying in dollars or euros and you will be able to have better insurance for less than what you pay in the States.
There are several good private health care groups including:
-- Swiss Medical http://swissmedical.com/
-- Medicus http://www.medicus.com.ar/
-- OSDE http://www.osde.com.ar/Osde_Binario/
-- OMint http://www.omint.com.ar/website/
-- SPM http://www.spm.com.ar/home/index.php
There are also excellent private hospitals including:
German Hospital or Hospital Aleman http://www.hospitalaleman.com.ar/
British Hospital http://www.hbritanico.com.ar/sitio/eng/secciones/institucional/
and the
Clinica Suizo-Argentina http://www.cymsa.com.ar/
The average monthly cost for a family of three for full coverage is around $500 Ar pesos or approximately U$S 160 (yes that's 160 DOLLARS!) And co-pays might be around 10 Ar pesos unless you pay slightly more for a plan without a copay. As a comparison, I pay $300/month without my husband, and I have very high deductibles and a high co-pay.
As in the U.S., pregnancy benefits will only be available if you weren't pregnant when you started the plan and could have a waiting period. But imagine that even out of pocket costs would be WAY cheaper than in the U.S. And, imagine being able to have your own private suite with a place for your husband as well. I'm currently trying to find out what the cost is to have a baby in Argentina so that I can compare it to the average in the U.S. of between $8,000 & $10,000.
Here are some *average costs* for medical and dental (in U.S. $)
Medical checkup $20
X-ray $15 - $35
Mammogram $35 - $40
Ambulance $40
Hospital room per night $100 - $175
Dental checkup $20
Root Canal $70
Chiropractor $30/hr
Physical Therapy $12/hr
Ultrasound $100
*these are just average prices, please don't quote them verbatim
Of course, I think it's important to keep in mind that for an average Argentinian, these costs are actually quite expensive, but if you plan to live in Argentina and will be getting by in dollars or euros then you will be able to afford very good health care that you would not easily access in the U.S.
Any news on about how much out of pocket it would be for having a baby in Argentina without insurance? We want to move to Mendoza in the next few months but I'm already 5 months pregnant, I think we might just go for it and pay whatever it costs but want to have an idea. Plus I don't qualify for maternity insurance since I'm already pregnant. Thanks
Posted by: Candon Farias | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 03:35 PM
I have a little story of my medical experience in Argentina. It is titled "por favor use una jeringa neuva"
I am enjoying your info and have added it to my bookmarks!
Posted by: Holly | Monday, January 16, 2006 at 03:46 AM